Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm freezing buckets

of water for a friend. She has bought a lifestyle block and some cows and has to fill up a tank for them. It is easier to transport water frozen in the back of her car, so I have taken up ice duty. My freezer has four green buckets. Apparently cows drink up to 40 litres a day. Can that be right?

I made friends again with Almodovar last night. Volver is fantastic, and was great to see Carmen Maura again. While there I got mistaken for a photographer. I had framed the photo of the chairs at the Heruharema convent, and was explaining how I was unhappy with it. This guy then asked me when my exhibition was. This is a much happier event than when a lady sat on top of me at that very cinema. But that is another story.

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