Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The London scene

Cartwright Gardens, early morning. The following early morning there was a fox.

In fact there were a lot of foxes in London, and they inspired me to be foxy. K will attest.

Ah porn and telecommunications ... the best of British?

She's my London Girl!

It was so great to see you, and the Godbabies. It doesn't feel like time separates our meetings. The last time was only a moment? a heartbeat a go. Thanks for showing me London again. Without you I would never have peed at the Tate Modern, Old St Pauls or gone to Tiblisi ... or got to the airport on time ... I am coming back for more!

Also saw Max, but I was overwhelmed and jetlagged and well crap, by that stage. But she hasn;t changed at all. Beautiful.

I have to say though that the Amerika is the silliest place. So obsessed with bombs and the like, that it would be the easiest place in the world to accidently immigrate to.

I am tired still.

I will go now ... and dream of England.

I hope I was a good visitor.

Monday, September 24, 2007

it's lucky

they paint lines on the ground in Hong Kong.

Otherwise, earth is indistinguishable from sky.

I spent a lot of time in the airport in Hong Kong, which is mostly airy and light. Except for these smoking rooms, which look like bars. Perhaps the Cantonese for them is 'smoke bar'

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

views and signs


I have just come back from here ... that's the business and country code for the Cook Islands but you know me puerile humour and everything.

The wedding was spectacular M and S looked spectacular, the tropically grey skies and fierce winds were spectacular. My speeches ... I was master of ceremonies ... were okayish. I was glad to be upstaged by S's son.

Rarotonga sure is a beautiful island and way more developed than my other homeland. Despite the fact that everything looked spookily familiar .... the way of life and the ubiquitous sound of lightly Poly accented English made it surprisingly different.

I am having computer issues right now and am panicking about repacking for the UK so will post photos ... I took four ... later.