Tuesday, November 27, 2007

archaeometerology - I just made that up

If you need rain here's who you have got to call
Ningirsu is the god of rain, fertility and irrigation in Sumer and Babylon. He is depicted as an eagle with a lion's head.
Baal, "the rider on the clouds," is the god of rain, thunder, and lightening.
As Indra is the god of rain, people sing songs to Indra and pray for rain.
Bushman is the god of rain wind and breath.
Mensäbäk is the god of rain; his name means "Maker of Power." Most interesting of all, Hesuklistos is Jesus Christ, the god to foreigners, who the Lacandones believe to be the son of Äkyantho', who is the god of foreign people and objects.
Tishtar is the god of rain originating from Varukasha Sea (Farakhkart) and distributing water among all countries
Rudra is the god of rain and thunder
Ilojin is the god of rain, of which the tropical Fenstre receives copious amounts. It is Ilojin who brings the monsoonal deluges for half of the Fels year.
Chac is the god of rain, and he is unhappy at the move at the WTO to privatise water, which Chac gave to everyone
Tlaloc is the god of rain, Leonardo is the god of... of... well, you decide.
It seems natural that the masks used by local farmers for rain supplication would be Ryujin, as this is the god of rain
Phya Than is the God of Rain who must be presented with shooting rockets come the sixth month of the lunar calendar
The Rato Machhendranath (rato=red) is the God of rain as well as the God of mercy.
Sabi is the god of rain.
Among the Dinka Deng is the god of rain
Dai Wong is the God of Rain and the guardian of the farmers.
The Thunderbird is the god of rain in our land. His wings are the thunder, his eye is the lightening, he spills the water from his back.

Tetnut- is the goddess of rain, moisture, and dew. She is said to share one soul with Shu.
Bunzi is the goddess of rain and fertility

Monday, November 26, 2007

in lieu of sentences

The streets of Wellington contained the following people
  • Keith (but not Burt)
  • Rupert (+hug)
  • That girl, I think her name is Fiona but I want to call her Alice
  • a lot of moustaches
  • The coffee man with the face from Easter Island
  • that other guy
  • and plenty of other people. Who knows if they are worth knowing
  • the back of Melanie's head

  • Some lookie-likies
  • A younger Sophie
  • A not as sexy Nelly

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

difficult emails

What do you do dear readers when the tone of emails is hard to gauge? A couple of weeks ago a friend invited me down to see his new extension (fna fna). We rearranged the original dates to this weekend. I emailed earlier just to check whether this was still the go and got this in return:
Yeah I guess I could manage (sigh). Lets know your rough movements time (are you driving or bussing ?)

So what is this? Humour? I don't email MP that often so I don't know if this is his email humour style or am I feeling the fever and he actually doesn't really want me to stay. So what I do? Respond with some sarky sulkiness ... if you don't want me to come ... or just send him the ETA etc? The low level of enthusiasm is infectious.

Second email dilemma. Because I was expecting to be in Wellington next weekend and two of my dear friends who fled the grad earlier this year will be there for a summit meeting of sorts ... sounds quite exciting for historians doesn't it, I thought I would go down on Thursday and stay in a hotel and socialise with them mildly, as well as sort of try and arrange a *meeting* with my latest micro-crush. So I contact one of the friends who has given me the following options:

X and Y are keen for us to both go stay there on Thursday night - do you want to? It'd be real nice to all catch up together, but I am happy to go with whatever you're comfortable with. Otherwise, maybe we could have another pj party in NAME OF HOTEL Your call.

There seems to me to be a third option she's not giving me. I party with the Grad-uates and then escape back to the hotel alone. Well hopefully not alone.
So should I respond to this email with " Sorry XY AND Z I 'm planning to blow you off to get me some!

Monday, November 12, 2007

in the interest of oversharing

the expression moist towelette really creeps me out

In the interests of interactivity

There was a Sexpo in the grad this weekend. Yes you read that right. A sex expo. The lovely middle aged woman from Aitutaki who makes my coffee in the morning thought she would tell me all about it. She met a lovely porn star lady ... and bought her video. She also met a lot of our colleagues and clients there.


This thing wants to make everything Hindi ... Tamil is much prettier.

So I haven't been here for a while. I haven't been feeling myself lately. And not in the way that expression has come to mean. Since the oh too brief sojourn in the northern hemisphere I have been well completely bummed about life in the 'Grad. Mostly work stuff which of course I cannot blog about, but we might say in pijin ristrakja. I have had no interesting thoughts only little pieces of memory colliding on the neural networks of my mind. I have been thinking about this though

It was the sweetest funniest moment.

As for this blog though, who knows, perhaps I have lost interest. Maybe I am too busy. Despite the internet 2.0 my interest in the web has become even more passive. The truth is probably the way I feel about this place is the same as other aspects of ma vie. I need more discipline. I need to put time into things and not get so distracted. I need to get to the end of some things that I start, cos I am way too familiar with square one