Monday, January 01, 2007


Already I have failed to live up to one of half of my NY motto. I should be tidying but I got waylaid by blogs...
So last night I celebrated as the family friend of a family celebrating with a family they were friends with. There were multiple generations, like all good family gatherings have I suppose, with the host couple each enjoying the company of their siblings and their children. It was bbq which is the food of choice for families from my experience. I made bread and butter pudding and supplied 2 toppings - kid's sauce (cherry and vanilla) and adult sauce (dessert wine syrup). We talked, we dranked, we played 2 particularly fierce games of trivial pursuit (boys against girls). Then at midnight we hugged and shouted and watched the fireworks from the square, though they didn't really make it above the treeline. Not long after we all started to pack up ... needed to get the kids to bed, when R-o's husband turned up. He was on duty at the festivities on the square. He got off early so he drove round to his sister-in-law's and swept in to kiss his wife happy new year. It was just like a movie, him in his fireman uniform, and then the kids got a lift home in the firetruck. You couldn't get a better start to 07 than that ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Ludo!!!
Love and kisses,