Tuesday, May 01, 2007

bad dreams in the night

It's like I'm on Lariam again. Nightly I am visited by this crazed woman named Rennie. She's violent and manipulative and well just plain evil. The first dream, started out nice I was visiting my old friend Catherine. Her house turned out to be my apartment in Paris ... of course, and the neighbours across the balcony were this really nice middle aged couple with Australian accents. Rennie, their daughter came to stay and the shouting and screaming started and somehow I was in their apartment and discovered the bodies. Rennie had stabbed them in the bathroom. For some dream-logic reason instead of calling the police she had me cleaning the blood out of the shagpile ... Who puts shagpile in the bathroom? For the last week she has been back in my dreams, and she makes out she is my friend. She follows me to bars, and if I don't pay attention to her she goes off. The other night it ended with her having followed me to a bar dressed in a giant rabbit suit ... not the playboy bunny kind but the full plushie sort. When she wasn't getting noticed she grabbed a bear bottle and bashed her own teeth out. I woke up with the vision of her standing there with blood pulsing out of her mouth and dripping onto the costume matting the fur.

Any Freudians/Jungians out there care to explain? Neatest correct entry wins.

1 comment:

Monkey's Max said...

You are seriously fucked, my friend. I think you need to increase your intake of alcohol.