Thursday, March 22, 2007


So how was your day?

I am over over over my 'clients'. In other news I have felt hung over all day after a big night out on 3 drinks.

After a birthday drop-in on a friend with a boxed gerbera ... rapidly becoming the most insincere flower ... replacing the chrysanthemum and the carnation ... though they are kinda disney-like .... I ended up watching people salsa at a Chinese bar (?!!). Men seem to like dancing salsa. I think because if you can you look good at it. Salsa skills perhaps run along an inverted bell curve, as you see a lot of good salsa dancers and a lot so-so ones, but really no-one in between. Perhaps men like it because it is such an instructed dance, they seem to be listening to a little voice in their heads counting one and two and, and shouting hip-swaying instructions. Hmm I guess I am not a big fan of these contrived styles. Dancing is a language and last night most of them looked like they were lip syncing it.

Gosh criticism? Here on Savage Reserve? Perhaps because I feel unable to criticise the aforementioned clients. So sorry dancers, sorry salsa fans, I'm projecting.

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