Saturday, December 08, 2007

names of the Mayans

So Mayans got to have pretty cool names, which is does not really make up for the necessity of perforating your ears, tongue, genitals using a stingray spine (Steve Irwin! Crikey!). Lots of the names seem to combine animals and a number

You get one to three glyphs for your name. Slot one seems to be for qualifiers and adjectival forms of verbs, such as great or a number, 18 for example or smoking. The second seems to be an animal or god slot (possibly the same thing) and ritual/war objects. The third slot appears to be for bodyparts including those of animals or animals. Here are some of the top ten kings' names:
Great Jaguar Paw
Smoking Frog
18 Rabbit
Smoking Squirrel
Lady Beastie
Lady White-Quetzal
If someone was smart they would make a 'your Mayan name' generator just like your porn name generator and etc

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