Tuesday, December 12, 2006

see, it is as before ...

Question: Is it ever possible to know how much other people are holding back? Tonight at a dinner party I did not want to go to I got roundly criticised on two counts by people who quite frankly have been annoying me trouser-less of late. Perhaps, I too, have been annoying them. However, I have been quite happily sitting on my hands, tongue, whatever and not giving free reign to my spleen whose everlasting wish is to be venting. And then I was put upon, by a friend who asked me why I did not want to share a house with him. This was the second time today that I had fielded this question from him today, but his second whammy was at this dinner party just as the room got quiet. So I felt I had to accept this positioning and take the old its not you its me route, saying that I no longer had the social skills to live with people after so many years of living on my own.

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