In fact there were a lot of foxes in London, and they inspired me to be foxy. K will attest.
Ah porn and telecommunications ... the best of British?
She's my London Girl!
It was so great to see you, and the Godbabies. It doesn't feel like time separates our meetings. The last time was only a moment? a heartbeat a go. Thanks for showing me London again. Without you I would never have peed at the Tate Modern, Old St Pauls or gone to Tiblisi ... or got to the airport on time ... I am coming back for more!
Also saw Max, but I was overwhelmed and jetlagged and well crap, by that stage. But she hasn;t changed at all. Beautiful.
I have to say though that the Amerika is the silliest place. So obsessed with bombs and the like, that it would be the easiest place in the world to accidently immigrate to.
I am tired still.
I will go now ... and dream of England.
I hope I was a good visitor.
And we'll see each other again next year without either of us suffering from jetlag or overwhelmedness or, in fact, the feeling of being through the looking-glass. Just let me know if you are coming to Prague or if you want to meet in the Big Smoke or where.
By the way, Heddy has started posting again.
You were a wonderful visitor. And when you use words like "moment" and "heartbeat" it inspires some very sentimental and sincere thoughts. Foxy. Oh, yes.
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