Monday, May 14, 2007

lotus, mittens, towel

So life had become insane. My clients, my colleagues, my dog .... okay I don't have a dog, but if I did it would have gone insane over the last two week period. So what is a boy to do? Well run away is always a good (grown up) option so I headed for the big city for a .... big city experience.
I cried in the national archives, I got bored at a boring seminar run by Ms Smug Researcher, and got a cold.

I did have though with Melf and Mcdreamy ... dinner, drinks, back home by 10pm.

I actually need a real holiday I think. Not visiting Australia, not the islands ...

Sorry this post is whine, but hell, do what you are good at.


Monkey's Max said...

I hear Prague is a great place for a holiday, Ludo. You always have a place to stay...

Katy said...

Or London. Lots of people love you here - and I made you some godchildren specially.

Tallulah Wolfenstein said...

Pleeese come and holiday in Australia.

Melbourne is fabulous - at least that's what I'm trying hard to believe.