Sunday, January 07, 2007

so, only

So, only a week old this 2007 thing ... I wonder if it is still in fashion? Anyways, all around the blogs I am reading these new years resolutions, and I can tell you now already I am the same old same old. Perhaps next year I'll give up new years all together.

Been a busy week though. Out every night until tonight. Lethargic and procastinative (a word?) all day. Have plenty to do, but lost my 'thusies as my friend used to say. I admire these people though that can force themselves to change, improve. They say you really have to want to change but for me that doesn't seem to be enough. I think I need a gun to my head or at least some kind of deadline.

Spent most of the day trying to download music, but god the sites are shite unless you live in the America ... I guess it is all licensing laws and shit, but don't we live in a globalised society. So if you are out there and have the new camera obscura album, please hum along to it for me. The other thing about mp3-y sites is that they trade on nostalgia. You want all those songs you thought were important that you listened to on your STEREO on VINYL or WALKMAN on CASSETTE. Those songs that ruled the now faded empire of your bedroom. You want it all back on the modern formats and you want all that they meant back to. But most of the time you can't. UNAVAILABLE! RECENT RELEASES ONLY! TRIBUTE ALBUMS! PARTIAL ALBUMS! or just not there at all. I read site after site's comments about the sugarcubes' mp3 releases - NO DELICIOUS DEMON ....

So I guess I'll have to resort to the actual shops, crap as they are around here. Or wait till I hit the big city ...

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