Sunday, May 27, 2007
manly hugs and chick fights
Hurray for rugby.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
this is the one that we played at assembly ...
Days gone by I used to go see my friends' bands. The D4, Hustler, Glam R Us. Now I go to my friends' kids' bands. Still it was pretty awesome and like being at High School. The Semi Automatics opened for a couple of older bands, but there was still a see of emos all throwing their goats as if NCEA depended upon it. And the lead singer, pretty charismatic for a 16yr old really did intro one of the songs with the title of today's post. So cute... except for the girls screaming 'Oh.My.God. everytime one of their little friends arrived.
I'd like to link you, but they appear to be the only band that aren't on myspace.
Unfortunately one of the other adult team was this really creepy French guy who appears to spend too much time at home. It was like he had never seen women before. He was also amazed that I had no idea how much baby sitting cost. But why the fuck would I? I have a day job.
So well anyway, cleaning the house can no longer
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I trust you have been talking among yourselves ...
Monday, May 14, 2007
lotus, mittens, towel
I cried in the national archives, I got bored at a boring seminar run by Ms Smug Researcher, and got a cold.
I did have though with Melf and Mcdreamy ... dinner, drinks, back home by 10pm.
I actually need a real holiday I think. Not visiting Australia, not the islands ...
Sorry this post is whine, but hell, do what you are good at.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Cardy Rock!
It was nice to be a fan again; looking up on the stage with admiration and excitement. And the bar had gisborne gold on tap. I haven't drunk that beer in years. So nostalgia dressing has deepened into do other nostalgic activities. Perhaps I am having a mild midlife crisis ...
Anyways so Friday night was rocking, and yesterday I could do nothing. I attempted to get cheap fresh vegies from the farmer's market but got bored along the way. Tried shoe-shopping - a desperate joke, and came home and sat on the couch contemplating cleaning, working, tidying and achieved none of those things.
Today I woke early and wandered about, and am now realising that all the love I had for the world has evaporated as it does by this time every sunday and all my best laid plans, like those of humans and rodents, come to naught.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
bad dreams in the night
Any Freudians/Jungians out there care to explain? Neatest correct entry wins.